Share photo albums with your wedding guests
When you return from your honeymoon, pretty much everybody who was at your wedding will want to see your pictures, of course. But with an average of about 170 guests at a wedding, that's a lot of email addresses to type into whatever website you use for your online photo albums.
We released a new feature today that'll help--a special version of our e-postcards, where you can place a link to the photo album on the card, and select recipients from the people who've bought gifts from your registry and/or you've send an e-postcard to before. We even automatically weed out duplicates, so you don't accidentally send it to the same people 2 or 3 times :-)
Log in to your registry, and click the link that says "Share a photo album with your guests".

-- Michael
Labels: honeymoon photo albums, honeymoon registry, wedding registry, Weddings
I just created a talking photo album (online stuff is neat, but tangible stuff is neater!) for my sister that documented all kinds of events related to her wedding: showers, bachelorette party, getting ready for the wedding, the wedding itself. It was a really fun gift and she loved it. I got the album online at and it will hold 24 pictures and you can record a message for each one, which is really fun to do since sometimes pictures do need a little bit of explanation!
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